Training program details

Course name

Insurance fraud




About the Center

We are a training and development institute that offers a variety of training courses in several different fields, aiming to develop and enhance the individual’s skills, whether in the modern labor market within the institutions or companies for which he works. We also seek to introduce new and diverse programs periodically to keep pace with modern developments in the world of training.

Our vision

Training is a planned educational process that aims to develop skills, increase knowledge and enhance performance among individuals within organizations. Training is also an essential part of workforce and human resources development strategies in organizations.

Contact Information

Importance of Certificate

Training program objectives:

يهدف إلى تدريب المشاركين على التعامل مع استراتيجيات الوقاية من الاحتيال والكشف عنه في صناعة التأمين.

Beneficiary category of the training program

يستهدف مديري المخاطر، وموظفي التأمين، وخبراء المالية، ومحققي الاحتيال، وأيضًا المهتمين بمجال الأمن المالي والتحقيقات. يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى تطوير مهارات المشاركين في الكشف عن الاحتيال والتعامل معه بكفاءة وفعالية.

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